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shocks of pleasure through his scalp. His ass burned, his cock
throbbed, and his balls ached with the desire to come. And throughout
it all, Owen held on to the bond he felt forming, clinging to the
moment, dragging it on.
Gradually, the gentleness melted into pure, unaltered passion. The
music of sex filled Owen s ears, male grunts, the slapping of flesh
against flesh, and moans of pleasure all blending like the most
beautiful of symphonies. Owen moved with his lovers, each stroke of
Alcharr s prick against his prostate bringing him closer to orgasm.
Thankfully, Kyllian took pity on him. He pulled Owen s hair and
forced their eyes to meet.  Come, little human. Come for us.
The words were just what Owen had been waiting for. A rush of
energy exploded through him, and he cried out around Kyllian s cock,
finding his peak. Moments later, wet heat filled his ass as Alcharr
came too. With a groan, Kyllian buried his prick inside Owen s mouth
one last time and came, hot, salty seed scorching Owen s throat.
The high of the orgasm took over Owen s brain, making
everything fuzzy, as if he were engulfed in a cloud of ecstasy. The
knowledge of his lovers pleasure made it even better, and he rode the
wave of pleasure, embracing it fully.
When he recovered, he found himself in a joined hug, held close
to Kyllian s chest. The wizard smiled gently at him.  I suppose you re
right. Words are overrated.
Owen smiled back, but as the haze of the orgasm began to dim, he
recalled their unfortunate circumstances. The realization that this was
a temporary respite made his heart fall. He didn t speak, but
thankfully Kyllian didn t seem to expect him to. The man kissed his
forehead and whispered,  I made you a promise. I plan to keep it.
198 Scarlet Hyacinth
Chapter Eleven
The crystal gleamed black in the distance. No disguise could be
strong enough to cloak its evil now, or perhaps it didn t even bother.
Either way, Hash could see and sense its necromantic nature with
ease, and he knew the rest of the magic users must be in a similar
By his side, Kyllian examined the thing with narrowed eyes.  It
won t be easy, the wizard said.  Even with the number of people we
gathered, we might not make it.
Indeed, the crystal was much bigger than the first time Hash had
seen it. According to Kyllian, the energy once distributed across the
plague lands pooled here, even if the lingering aftereffects of the
explosion still affected the dryad kingdom. It dwarfed the magical
rafts that gathered around it, the sea vessels that held the crystal s
Their hopes now lay in the small army they d managed to muster
in the past few days. Unexpectedly, Hash s father joined in with a fair
number of dragons, including Chek. Sandros cashed in on a number
of favors and recruited other wizards. Even elves had come,
summoned by their princes. In turn, the Imperium also sent a number
of magic users. And still, in front of the size of the crystal, Hash
feared they would fail. His only relief was that Owen would be
temporarily beyond the crystal s reach and could, perhaps, retreat to
his own world should things go wrong. Both Owen and his friend
Connor had been taken to the dragon coven the day before, and they
would be well cared for by the remaining soldiers.
Craving Owen 199
Shaking himself, Hash focused on the current situation. They all
knew the plan. Kyllian would give the signal, and at the same time, all
magic users would hit the crystal. They needed to have perfect
coordination and to focus on blending their magic together. Different
types of power would have to mix, and that could be both an
advantage and a disadvantage.
By Kyllian s side, Fayre winked.  Don t worry, he said.  We ll
be fine. It doesn t stand a chance.
The young wizard had insisted on coming, and Kyllian had been
unable to keep him from doing so. They needed all the help they
could get, and Fayre, while young, still commanded considerable
power. Each of them could make a difference in this battle.
Kyllian didn t answer, his gaze still on the black crystal. Taking a
deep breath, he nodded at Hash. This was it, the moment of the attack.
White energy began to glow from Kyllian s body. Hash admired
the man. Somehow, Kyllian managed to muster the courage and
power to face the crystal once more after being almost killed. The
mere thought was staggering. But Hash had learned to never be
surprised at Kyllian s strength. The wizard had quickly become their
guardian, just like Owen was the beacon that brought them all
Taking Kyllian s cue, Hash summoned his own power. His beast
roared inside him, kept in chains by the enchantment and aching for
revenge. Hash might not be able to unleash it, but the anger fueled his
fire magic, making it more intense than ever.
A few moments passed while everyone prepared their own spells.
Elves, dragons, wizards, dryads, and nymphs all had come for the
good of their planet and all their friends. It was strange to see them all
side by side, ignoring each other s differences and the conflicts
between races. Hash admitted he felt afraid they were too different.
He needn t have feared a thing. Countless spells joined Kyllian s
first lightning bolt and as one, assaulted the crystal. Much to Hash s
200 Scarlet Hyacinth
dismay, the crystal absorbed it. Dark laughter surrounded them, and
impossibly, an even blacker night seemed to fall.
Well, they had known this wasn t going to be easy. In the astral [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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