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your school administrators intend to revise your school s dress code to
include school uniforms as part of the dress code. Write a letter to your
school principal, persuading him against his plan.
 % Write an essay that clearly presents your response to the following: The
death penalty is both  cruel and  unusual and a violation of the eighth
amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
 % The management of your favorite shopping mall plans to institute a pol-
icy whereby juveniles under the age of sixteen (16) years of age must be
accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult after the hour
of six P.M. They have requested public reaction to their plan. Write a let-
ter telling the mall s management whether you agree or disagree.
 % Your parents have decided you may only watch one hour of TV on
school nights. In a well-organized composition decide whether or not
you agree with their decision and why. Persuade your parents as to how
long you feel you should be allowed to watch TV. Be sure to state and
support at least two premises (reasons) for your opinion.
 % Your parents promised you that you could have a friend spend the night
on the weekend. Now they have changed their minds because they must
leave town, and they do not want to leave you unsupervised. Persuade
them to change their minds again and let your friend stay the night.
 % The recent legislature passed a law that banned all tobacco products
from school buildings and grounds. Take a stand about this new law and
try to persuade your reader to see the situation from your point of view.
 % Pretend that a friend of yours has decided not to eat milk, cheese, or
vegetables of any kind. Write an essay to your friend explaining the
dietary harm of her plan. Use good reasons to convince your friend.
 % You will be dissecting frogs in your science class. Some of your friends are
opposed, considering it cruelty to animals. Are you for or against them?
Take a stand. Write a letter for or against the planned frog dissection.
128 visual writing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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