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4 2b: Time (Amp EG Time) P4
Attack (Attack Time) [0& 99]
Specifies the time from note-on (when a note is played) until the volume reaches the attack level. With a value
of 0, the volume will change instantly. With a value of 99, the volume will change slowly.
Decay (Decay Time) [0& 99]
Specifies the time from when the attack time ends until the break level is reached.
Slope (Slope Time) [0& 99]
Specifies the time from when the decay time ends until the sustain level is reached.
Release (Release Time) [0& 99]
Specifies the time from note-off (when a note is released) until the volume falls to zero.
4-2: Amp EG
4 2c: Level Control
Velocity [ 99& +99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that velocity will have on the level of the amp EG.
When " Velocity" is set to a positive (+) value
Settings of the Amp EG
Softly played notes Strongly played notes
4 2d: Level Modulation
AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) [OFF& MIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source ( page 64 of this manual) that will control the level of the Amp EG.
Intensity (EG Level AMS Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that  AMS will have on the level of the Amp EG.
4 2e: Time Modulation
AMS.1 (Alternate Modulation Source 1) [OFF& MIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source 1 ( page 64 of this manual) that will control the Amp EG times.
Intensity (EG Time AMS.1 Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that  AMS.1 will have on the Amp EG times.
AMS.2 (Alternate Modulation Source 2) [OFF& MIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source 2 ( page 64 of this manual) that will control the Amp EG times.
At (Attack Time AMS.2 Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Dc (Decay Time AMS.2 Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Sl (Slope Time AMS.2 Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Rl (Release Time AMS.2 Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that  AMS.2 will have on each EG time.
When the various EG times are set to negative ( ) values
Note-on Note-on
Note-off Note-off Note-off
Softly played notes Strongly played notes
Settings of the Amp EG
5-1: EG 1
Program Edit P5
This section provides four general purpose EGs (envelope generators). The four EGs can be used as
modulation sources for the parameters of other sections to create time-variant change in the sound.
Attack level Sustain level
Attack Decay Slope
time time time
5 1: EG 1
5 1a
5 1b
5 1c
5 1d
5 1e
5 1a: Level
Start (Start Level) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the value at the time of note-on.
Attack (Attack Level) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the value that will be reached after the Attack Time has elapsed.
Break (Break Level) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the value that will be reached after the Decay Time has elapsed.
Sustain (Sustain Level) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the value that will be reached after the Slope Time has elapsed.
Release (Release Level) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the value that will be reached after the Release Time has elapsed.
5 1b: Time (Amp EG Time)
Attack (Attack Time) [0& 99]
Specifies the time from note-on (when a note is played) until the value reaches the attack level. With a value of
0, the value will change instantly. With a value of 99, the value will change slowly.
5-1: EG 1
Decay (Decay Time) [0& 99]
Specifies the time from when the attack time ends until the Break Level is reached.
Slope (Slope Time) [0& 99]
Specifies the time from when the decay time ends until the Sustain Level is reached.
Release (Slope Time) [0& 99]
Specifies the time from note-off (when a note is released) until the Release Level is reached.
5 1c: Level Control
Velocity [ 99& +99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that velocity will have on the EG levels.
When "Velocity" is set to a positive (+) value
Softly played notes
Settings of EG1 Strongly played notes
5 1d:Level Modulation
AMS (Alternate Modulation Source) [OFF& MIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source ( page 64 of this manual) that will control the level of EG1.
Intensity (EG Level AMS Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that  AMS will have on the EG levels.
5 1e: Time Modulation
AMS.1 (Alternate Modulation Source 1) [OFF& MIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source 1 ( page 64 of this manual) that will control the EG1 times.
Intensity (EG Time AMS.1 Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that  AMS.1 will have on the EG times.
AMS.2 (Alternate Modulation Source 2) [OFF& MIDI (CC#83)]
Selects a modulation source 2 ( page 64 of this manual) that will control the EG1 times.
At (Attack Time AMS.2 Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Dc (Decay Time AMS.2 Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Sl (Slope Time AMS.2 Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Rl (Release Time AMS.2 Intensity) [ 99& +99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that  AMS.2 will have on each EG time.
When the various EG times are set to negative ( ) values [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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