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hand away, but Gage tightened his grip.
 Marissa, I was worried when you weren t in the house and didn t leave a note. I m
sorry I& 
Again Marissa tried to pull her hand away but couldn t.  It s okay, Elizabeth, she tried
to assure her sister.
How could she explain to her sister in a room full of strangers that the mistake was her
own? She didn t want Elizabeth blaming herself. Marissa was the one to mess everything up.
All she had to do was control herself and she couldn t even do that. Two days and she was
already breaking laws.
 No. I shouldn t have called up to the main house& 
 Elizabeth, it s fine. Marissa waved a hand unfortunately, it was the hand still
holding her torn bra.
Elizabeth gasped as Logan and Greg laughed out loud.
Whipping her hand behind her back, Marissa pulled on the other one, and Gage finally
released her. When she would have run upstairs, he put a firm arm around her waist and
held her in place.
Marissa wished the floor would open and swallow her. But instead of making excuses
about what had obviously happened, Gage just held her tight against him. Knowing he
needed a way out and away from her, she tried to come up with anything she could to get rid
of him.
 I need to take a shower, Marissa said to no one in particular. She was surprised when
Gage smiled down at her and turned to the others.
 Gentlemen, why don t we leave the ladies to clean up and have lunch?
Everyone agreed and the men headed for the door.
 I will see you later tonight, Marissa, he whispered in her ear before releasing her and
walking away.
PACK ALPHA Crissy Smith
Marissa waited for the front door to close before lifting her head. Her sister stood with
her arms crossed over her chest and the look of disapproval written all over her face.
 Don t, she warned Elizabeth.
 You didn t learn the first time? Elizabeth asked, concern evident in her tone and by
the softening of her expression.
 It was an accident.
 An accident? her sister repeated with no amusement.  Tell me, just how do you
accidentally get naked and have sex with the Pack Alpha?
 How do you know I had sex with him?
Elizabeth just lifted a brow.
 Okay, fine, I had sex with him! Marissa started out the room.
 Why? Elizabeth asked, following.
 It s not like I planned it. She couldn t explain it to her sister until she was able to
explain it to herself yet.
 Marissa, he is my Alpha. Elizabeth s voice rose, and it reminded her of when they
were kids and Marissa had once again gotten herself in some sort of trouble.
 I know.
 I can t believe you did this. The disappointment she heard doubled the guilt Marissa
already felt.
Reaching the guestroom, she pushed the door open.  You know, he did have a say in
the matter.
 Yes, he did. Elizabeth sighed.  I m sorry, but you know what happened last time.
This is my Pack, and that is my Alpha. I won t let you ruin that for me.
When Marissa turned, her eyes burned with tears.  I didn t mean to ruin anything.
Elizabeth s sigh was audible.  You know that male wolves for some reason think they
are above the law. I m sure Gage wasn t thinking about it at the time, but you should have.
Marissa knew she should have.  I m sure he thought he would be able to keep it quiet.
Brandon always told me not to tell anyone about us and I m sure that s what Gage will tell
me later.
 If this got out&  Elizabeth took a step back and had tears in her eyes.
PACK ALPHA Crissy Smith
 I m sorry, Elizabeth. Marissa couldn t be any sorrier for her actions. Once again, she
would be responsible for them losing everything.
Her sister sent her a sad smile.  Maybe it would be best if you left. Tonight.
 Okay. Turning towards the bathroom, Marissa felt the first tear fall. It would be best.
For everyone concerned.
* * * *
 We have a problem, Logan walked into the Alpha s office without knocking.
 What? Gage looked up from the papers in front of him.
 Greg just called. Elizabeth sent Marissa home.
 She what? Gage s voice rose as he jumped up.
Logan took a step back.  After we left, Elizabeth sent Marissa back to California. She s
probably already to the gate.
Yanking up the phone, Gage had to control his temper to keep from crushing the piece
of plastic.
 Guard house, the guard on duty answered.
 Tom. Has Marissa Boyd driven through yet?
 No, Alpha. No one s been through for about fifteen minutes, and that was Sammy and
 She doesn t leave, Gage told him.
 Don t let her out, he ordered.  I m on my way. Slamming down the phone, he
turned to Logan.  Get Elizabeth up here now. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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