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worship bhikshus, bhikshunis, upasakas and upasikas who uphold the King of Glorious
Sutras. We the four great kings, along with our armies and retinues, will be satisfied by
roots of virtue gathered from listening to the Dharma and by the nectar juice of the
Dharma. These divine bodies of ours will increase in majesty. Why? Because, Venerable
Transcendent Victor, that king of humans will undoubtedly listen to the King of Glorious
Sutras, the Sublime Golden Light. Venerable Transcendent Victor, the King of Glorious Sutras,
the Sublime Golden Light supremely surpasses the many various mundane and
supramundane treatises expounded by Brahma lords, the many various mundane and
supramundane treatises expounded by Shakra, the king of gods and the many various
mundane and supramundane treatises expounded for the sake of sentient beings by seers
possessed of the five extrasensory perceptions.
 It is perfectly and widely expounded for the sake of sentient beings by the Tathagata who
is more supreme and exalted than hundreds of thousands of Lord Brahmas, numerous
hundreds of thousands of millions of Shakras and hundreds of thousands of millions of
seers possessed of the five extrasensory perceptions. The King of Glorious Sutras, the Sublime
Golden Light is expounded so that kings of humans in Jambudvipa may be supreme reigning
kings, all beings may be happy, fully protect their lands and reign in their lands, that their
lands may be without harm and enemies, that they may defeat the armies of adversaries
and turn them away, that there may be no infectious illness and conflict in those lands,
that through the Dharma those lands may be without conflict and not be overrun, that
these kings of humans may light the great torch of the Dharma and illuminate their lands,
that all the divine dwellings may be filled with gods and divine children, that we the four
great kings along with armies and retinues and numerous hundreds of thousands of
yakshas and all the gatherings of gods dwelling in Jambudvipa may be satisfied, that all may
be auspicious, that these divine bodies of ours may increase in majesty, that perseverance,
power and strength may be instilled in our bodies, that majesty, glory and excellence may
flow into our bodies, that Jambudvipa may have good crops and be filled with people, and
that all beings dwelling in Jambudvipa may be happy and experience various pleasures, that
all sentient beings may have various joys and experience magnanimous joys of gods and
humans for numerous hundreds of thousands of millions of eons, find the company of
lord buddhas, and in some future time be fully enlightened in the peerless state of perfect
enlightenment. The Venerable Transcendent Victor, the Tathagata, the Arhat, the Fully
Enlightened Buddha possesses blessings infused by the power of great compassion
exceedingly superior to that of hundreds of thousands of millions of Brahma lords,
unsurpassable tathagata knowledge exceedingly superior to the knowledge of hundreds of
thousands of millions of Shakras, and blessings exceedingly superior to that of numerous
hundreds of thousands of millions of various seers possessed of the five extrasensory
perceptions. The Venerable Transcendent Victor, the Tathagata, the Arhat, the Fully
Enlightened Buddha has widely and perfectly expounded here in Jambudvipa the King of
Glorious Sutras, the Sublime Golden Light for the sake of sentient beings.
 Whatever royal views, royal treatises and royal duties there are in the whole of Jambudvipa
which ensure happiness for sentient beings, all have been revealed, stated and expounded
by the Venerable Transcendent Victor, the Tathagata, the Arhat, the Fully Enlightened
Buddha, in the King of Glorious Sutras, the Sublime Golden Light. Venerable Transcendent
Victor, for this reason and for this cause, the king of humans will undoubtedly listen to,
venerate and worship the King of Glorious Sutras, the Sublime Golden Light.
As they said this to him, the Venerable Transcendent Victor said thus to them:  Therefore,
O you four great kings, with your armies and retinues, do take unhesitating great delight in
protecting the kings of humans who listen to, respect and worship the King of Glorious
Sutras, the Sublime Golden Light. O great kings, do let bhikshus, bhikshunis, upasakas,
upasikas who hold the King of Glorious Sutras, the Sublime Golden Light uphold buddha
deeds. They will perform buddha deeds in the worlds of gods, humans and asuras. They
will expound the King of Glorious Sutras, the Sublime Golden Light well and extensively. You
four great kings by all means will protect, safeguard, guide, look after and ensure the peace
and happiness of bhikshus, bhikshunis, upasakas and upasikas who hold the King of
Glorious Sutras so they may be secure, without harm, ailments or conflicts, and endowed
with peace of mind enabling them to expound the King of Glorious Sutras, the Sublime Golden
Light well and extensively.
Then indeed, the great king Vaishravana, the great king Dhrtarashtra, the great king
Virudhaka and the great king Virupaksha rose from their seats, placed their upper robes
over one shoulder, knelt their right knees on the ground and bowed in reverence with their
folded hands pointing in the direction of the Tathagata. At that time, they praised the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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