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create ideas about It. Yes It is far beyond what the mind can make up in regard to It. There is so
much rubbish and nonsense taught and all this blinds you to the Truth. For instance,
reincarnation as you believe, is nowhere near the Truth.
 You believe that the late Dalai Lama is reincarnated in the present Dalai Lama. This is
not fact. If the great Buddha were incarnated he would be free from ritual and the nonsense you
carry on with. His great wisdom would be shown in his acts. But what do you find? A mere
child in wisdom and understanding! Reincarnation as stated in your religion is but humbug and
is holding everyone in subjection to a superstition of fear and ignorance.
 I tell you,  Truth is not in any way like what is being taught. What is being taught is
an absolute fabrication of the Truth. The man you called the last Dalai Lama is not in the body
of the present Dalai Lama as your religion teaches. I want you to see that it is merely a belief
and not a fact, certainly not the Truth.
 There is reincarnation, but not as you understand it. The Spirit of the one God---the
Life---is in the present Dalai Lama as it was in each preceding Dalai Lama, but the present Dalai
Lama is not aware of this Truth. It is the one Spirit that is in each and everyone, and only when
this is realised through knowing what is false does the wisdom and power of the Spirit
 I urge you to lead the people away from this stupid nonsense that creates self-
hypnosis. I am speaking to you in modern language so that you can understand what I say.
He spoke for a long time to Geshi Rimpoche, and I heard him say:  Care must be
excercised so that you do not hinder the work to come, for many are not yet ready to
understand that Life is not separated by so-called death. There is but one Life and this Life is
Eternal. More will come after me to speak to you. Your friend the Hermit of Ling-Shi-La is
here to-night.
Malarepa seemed to be the conductor in the astral, and Geshi Rimpoche conducted on
the physical.
Still they came, many of them, and as they reached the door they became visible. It was
a wonderful sight, a wonderful experience. I never saw anything like it before or since.
About an hour or so later, St. Anthony of Alexandria and Paul the Apostle came direct
to me, and I will relate what St. Anthony said later in this chapter. But I want to tell you first
what convinced me that all this was real and not the figment of my imagination.
My mother came to me. I could see her form and face as well as I did when she was on
earth, except that she was young-looking and wonderfully radiant. She spoke to me in Gaelic to
prove that it was she.
 It is truly me, your mother; your father is with me, and so is your friend John
She said:  I am very happy because of the work you are doing, and we are all helping.
Her face shone bright and beautiful when she said that, as if the feeling gave her great joy.
There were six hours of this, coming and going, and the details alone would fill another
volume. Many who were still in the physical came, including the great hermit of Ling-Shi-La,
of whom Geshi Rimpoche had told me.
The hermit said to me:  You are coming to stay with me at my hermitage.
Geshi Rimpoche had not told me this, but it happened that I did go to stay at the
hermitage, and of this I will tell you in another chapter.
Then, near the end, there was the most brilliant light; it shone all over the room. It lit up
everything as if the sun was shining. So bright was this light that we had to close our eyes at
first; then we gradually became accustomed to it, and in this light appeared the Master himself.
He came to give His blessing.
Those of you who have read my book Divine Healing of Mind and Body (The Master
speaks again) will realise the truth of what I say; it was the culmination of all my training in the
This indeed was the most remarkable seance I had ever seen, and I will probably never
see the like again.
I knew then that there was no separation between the material and the Spiritual, what
separated us was but a veil of ignorance. But englightenment was coming into the world, and
soon all the darkness of the mind would disappear and those with spiritual gifts would no
longer be persecuted.
A new religion is coming into the world, not a sectarian religion or a dogma or a creed,
but one that will reveal that death is but the doorway into a higher state of the one Life that is
eternal and ever-present, showing that there is no division between us and those who have gone
on. The Masters of old, even Jesus, are one with us, as he said he would be, even unto the end
of the world.
Words cannot describe the beauty and the glory of such a wonderful revelation.
The science of the various arts was discussed. St. Anthony spoke to me especially
about healing. He was the great therapeutist of ancient Egypt, and healing was his great subject,
that is why, as he said, he was detailed by greater ones than himself to help me in my work
along with many others who also were working and would continue to do so when I go back
again into the world I came from.
The discourse on healing was specially directed to me. The others who came talked to
those present about various things.
Apparently the whole seance was conducted in a perfect way. No one was allowed to
 chip in while another talked to one in particular, though ten or more were in the room at the
same time.
I was keenly interested in what St. Anthony had to say to me. I had spoken to him
before but not in such a complete way.
He said:  God is glorified through the Son of Man. I knew the meaning of those
words, for he had spoken of them to me before. Then he continued speaking to me personally
as though there were no one else in the room.
He said:  Since time began, men and women have been given the power to heal and to
teach. Some of the healings have been so amazing that the mind of man could not comprehend
them. Thus sceptics arose, and made every effort to deny these transformations on the grounds
of their apparent impossibility.
 Divine Healing, he went on,  has achieved wonders where all other methods have failed, yet
man does not realise the mighty power of the Spirit, because the mind cannot penetrate the
realm which is beyond it. The mind can reason only on what it knows, but that which it does
not know, that which is beyond reason, cannot be defined, and it is in this realm that Divine
Healing takes place.
 Yes, I remarked,  many have wondered how Divine Healing takes place, how that
which is unseen could accomplish such a complete and instantaneous change, and they still
want to reduce it into terms which would merely give the mind an idea and not the Truth.
Then St. Anthony spoke again:  Phenomena of any kind are produced through a law
that is intelligent, otherwise there would be no phenomena. For instance, if you have a fear of
anything or you have faith in anything, there is an intelligence that operates in both what you
think in fear and think in faith and produces exactly according to how you think in fear and in
faith, that is the law of thought-action or electro-magnetic activity for in fact the body is
electrical, being composed of atoms of energy.
 But Truth is like mathematics; It is exact. When an error is discovered and corrected, it
disappears. You cannot tell me why two and two make four and not five, you cannot
investigate mathematics, just as you cannot investigate Truth. You can investigate only error.
Truth, like mathematics, is eternally true and ever-present and is not subject to change,
therefore not subject to error. That is why Divine Healing is so perfect.. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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