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through information.
 Yes, Amity said.  And yes again to exactly what you re thinking.
Stephanie Julian
His chin rose the tiniest bit.  Witches. You want me to take my sister to see
 If that s how you want to classify them, then yes, that s exactly what I m
The only outward sign he gave about his thoughts was the tightening of his mouth.
She thought for sure he d start to laugh and tell Amity she was crazy.
That they were both crazy and they should get the hell out of his apartment and out
of his life.
Maybe she should go now. Get the hell out of here while the getting was good. He
wouldn t want her around. While he might believe she hadn t caused Evie s
meltdown at least, not on purpose she still couldn t believe he d want her near his
Not after what he d seen she could do. And that was just the tip of a very large
If she ever regained her ability to shift&
 And you think these& women will be able to help Evie?
She blinked in shock. She couldn t believe he was actually considering Amity s
 Yes, the goddess answered solemnly.  I do.
 Will you go with us?
Her gaze snapped back to John s when she realized he d directed that question to
 What? Why?
His expression told her nothing and shock at his request made her blink at him
 Because I trust you to tell me what s going on.
He trusted her. Why the hell did this man trust her?
And, Blessed Mother Goddess, she wanted him to be able to. But if his memories
were restored, he d hate her.
Yeah, but until then, you can be with him.
And she absolutely hated how much she wanted just that.
 Fine. She nodded, trying to keep her expression clear.  I can do that.
 Then I suggest we don t waste any time, Amity said.  Kaine, please call Nica and
tell her to expect us.
Even though she d been expecting it, Kaine had to cover a wince. Nica was Tira s
best friend. As soon as Nica realized what was going on, she d be on the phone to Tira.
And Nic and Duke would be on their way to Nica s.
 I ll do it right now.
Edge of Moonlight
Five minutes later, Nica had sleepily agreed to be waiting for their arrival. In the
background, Kaine had heard Tanner and Jensen questioning Nica just as she was
hanging up.
She liked the Miller brothers, she thought as she tucked her phone back in her
pocket. Even though they were eteri.
They d fit into life among the Etruscans as if they d always known about the
existence of streghe and magic. And lucani.
Sure, they d been freaked the first time they d seen her shift in front of them. She d
actually been their first.
But once they got over that  Holy shit moment, they d been cool. Curious and
fascinated, but cool.
They hadn t recoiled from her, hadn t hesitated to run a hand over her pelt.
John had wanted the streghe to wipe all memory of the lucani and magic from his
and Evie s minds.
And now the streghe would probably have to release their memories and he d once
again know what she really was.
He d know he slept with a monster.
 Are you okay?
Amity s soft question just to her left drew Kaine s attention out of her thoughts.
Could she lie to a goddess?
Probably not a good thing to do.
So she turned, not bothering with a smile.  I will be. She had to believe that.
Amity nodded, though she didn t have a smile either.  I do understand your fear,
Kaine. But your John is strong.
Your John.
Kaine checked to make sure he was in the bedroom putting together a bag for him
and Evie.  He s not mine, Lady.
Now Amity did smile as she brushed a hand over Kaine s hair, like a mother would
But Kaine didn t have a mother. The woman who d given birth to her had dumped
her on her father s doorstep and gotten herself killed, which wouldn t have mattered to
Kaine if the damn woman hadn t screwed Kaine over by giving her half her genes.
 Okay, Kaine. I m sorry. I didn t mean&  Amity released a short sigh then nodded.
 If you need me, Sal will know where to find me. I m sorry I can t do much more for her
but the streghe should be able to help her more than I can. Afraid I m not much good for
complex cases like this.
Kaine heard a note of regret in the goddess s voice that made her feel petty for
wallowing in her own misery.
Stephanie Julian
Though no one liked to discuss it or much less mention it, the Etruscan deities had
lost most of their powers centuries ago. They d been displaced, first by the Roman
deities, then by science. Yet they still remained.
Kaine had never really wondered how they lived, what they did over the course of
their ageless existence.
Maybe she was just that self-centered.
Behind Amity, Kaine saw John emerge from Evie s bedroom, carrying his sister in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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