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Armet leaned forward studying the areas Star was asking about. He shook his head.  There is no
way to do that. The vents are too small. They can t be more than two feet in diameter. Even if Dakar
or I could fit through there we wouldn t be able to cross the cable. There is a security field set up that
stops about a foot under the wire.
 But, if someone was able to make their way through the vent, cross the cable to the control tower,
and take out the control room, it would allow others to breach the fortress, right? Star insisted
looking at the wire that ran down where it attached just outside an access door to the control room. It
was a left over from the building stage and had probably been left as an afterthought for maintenance.
 IF someone could squeeze through the narrow tube AND cross the wire without triggering the
alarms, then yes, I guess it is possible to bring the system down long enough to get additional support
inside, Armet said reluctantly as he looked with growing unease at Star who was smiling.
 Then, we know how we will get in. Dakar, I will need you and Armet. Jazin is hurt and I m not
big enough or strong enough to carry him out. You know the inside of the prison, Dakar. You will
know where they are likely to be keeping him. Madas, you will have to pilot the star ship, Star said
looking excitedly from one frowning face to another to the last which had a grin on it.
 No, little warrior. I will go with Dakar. Armet is the better pilot. Once their defenses are down
and we have Lord Jazin, we will have to be able to leave quickly. The star ship is capable of landing
in this area, Madas said pointing to a larger area used for training exercises.  I am a fair pilot but
we need an excellent pilot who can come in fast and leave just as quickly.
Star looked at Madas for a moment before looking at Armet s tight face of disapproval.  She s
right. She is strong enough to help carry Jazin.
 No, Armet said harshly looking at the little human female in frustration even though he knew she
was right.  I promised I would keep you safe.
 And you will, Star interrupted, leaning forward to place her hand on top of his.  By getting us
out of there safely. I can do this. You ve been working with me and I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
Please, Armet, she whispered looking into his eyes with determination.  I can t lose him. I love him
and I can t lose him, not again.
The muscle ticked in Armet s jaw as he stared into Star s bright, light blue ones. His eyes moved
to Dakar who was sitting back with a grim expression on his face as well. Their eyes collided with
the unspoken message that neither liked the plan but they both accepted it was the only way. His eyes
finally traveled to the huge female Tearnat who was sitting back with a smug look on her face and a
twinkle in her eye. If he didn t know better, he would swear she knew something that neither he nor
Dakar were aware of and that just made the muscle tick faster.
 I want to go over some strategies with you before we drop your ass off, Armet said in a low,
gruff voice.  You better not get yourself captured or killed. I swear, if anything happens to you I will
personally take that damn place apart stone by stone. You are just too damn small and delicate to be
doing this, he added under his breath.
Star squeezed the hand she was still holding.  I may be small and I may not be as strong as a
Tearnat female, or even a Kassisan one, but I have a strength built on love and determination to bring
my mate home. I won t fail and I won t die. I have too much to live for, she declared in a quiet,
passionate voice.  Believe in me.
 I do, Madas said reaching out and laying her slender, green hand on top of Star and Armet's
 Oh Gods, Dakar muttered in a dark voice before laying his hand on top of Madas hand.  I do
too. It is so crazy it just might work, he said with a disbelieving chuckle as he watched the image of
the fortress circle slowly in the center of the table.
Chapter 9
Star and Madas giggled like a couple of high school girls at a classic car show with their boyfriends
as they listened to Dakar and Armet oohing and awing about all the modifications to the star ship. One
of the defense system upgrades to it was the ability to deflect any type of radar from detecting it. The
second upgrade was the new engine design. Jazin was able to develop an engine that was not only
more powerful but also did not release a heat signature. This made it virtually impossible to detect
and track. The last upgrade was the most important as it would give them the advantage they would
need when Armet came in hot and fast  it had a cloaking device.
 Guys aren t much different when it comes to their toys, Star said as she watched the two men
talking excitedly as they discovered another feature they had missed earlier when they were
exploring. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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