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Maintenance Instructions Tape Three, Section One Thirty-two. Do not forget to
close the panel before you leave.
"I am a standby pump for..." it was repeating when Gurronsevas closed the lid,
silencing it.
"A verbal label," he said admiringly, "understandable by everyone with a
translator. I should have realized."
Timmins smiled and said, "We are moving into the Illensan levels. The smell
and the new color code you spotted indicate the presence of chlorine. But
before we go any farther we need protective suits, so turn into the next
opening on the left. In there, at least, you won't have to worry about
The place was a multi-species suit store, he saw at once, and the transparent
doors of the cabinets ranged around the walls revealed their contents while
verbal labels gave any special fitting instructions on request. Timmins lifted
out a suit for itself and donned it quickly before directing Gurronsevas
towards one of the Tralthan cabinets.
"With your six legs you may find getting into that thing tricky at first," it
said, "so I'll help you. The garment is a combination of lightweight
environmental protection and general purpose coveralls. On mine there is a
head-hood which can be sealed should there be an emergency involving
other-species contamination such as a major seal malfunction at an oxygen and
chlorine interface, or between the Telfan hot level and anywhere else. Yours
contains a short-duration air supply, cooling and drying elements to control
perspiration and guard against heat prostration, and an emergency beacon to
summon help should you get into trouble.
"Don't use the beacon unless you cannot get to a communicator and have a
serious emergency," the Lieutenant went on, "or until you are sure that you
cannot solve the problem yourself. If a full rescue team with medical support
turns out and finds that you are only lost or lonely, harsh words will be
"Harsh words," said Gurronsevas, "would be deserved."
Timmins smiled and continued, "The suits also give protection against dirt,
and cuts and abrasions from metal projections. Unlike the medical levels and
your kitchens at the Cromingan-Shesk, we do not need to work in super-clean
Static charges build up in the equipment which attracts dust, and with the
lubricants used everywhere it makes for a very dirty combination that is
difficult to remove, particularly for entities who are covered with fur. The
protective coveralls are a uniform color, Monitor Corps green, with the
exception of the transparent suits used by Kelgians who need their fur to be
visible for non-verbal communication. Before
dressing, medical or departmental insignia of rank are transferred to the
outside of the garment. Now check your head seal. Is the general fit
"Quite comfortable, thank you," Gurronsevas replied. "But I have a question
prompted by the AUGL water pump that spoke to me. The problem of improving the
taste of food used by water-breathers is one I had not considered until now.
As soon as I have gained some knowledge of the maintenance levels' geography
Page 16
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
and food distribution network, I would like to discuss the problem with the
Chalder patients.
Can you arrange that?"
"That is a medical matter," said Timmins slowly. "It would be better if you
asked permission and found out the most convenient visiting times from Nurse
Hredlichli, who is in charge of the AUGL ward."
"Then I shall do that," said Gurronsevas. "But you sound hesitant. Am I likely
to encounter some difficulty?"
"Charge Nurse Hredlichli," the Lieutenant replied, "has the reputation of
being only slightly less obnoxious than O'Mara. But now, before I take you to
see the main synthesizer unit under the dining hall, attach this trainee's
band to one of your fore-
limbs in a position where it will be easily seen."
This was the second time he had been told to wear the demeaning badge of a
trainee, Gurronsevas thought, but the angry response he had given the impolite
Psychologist would scarcely do for this friendly and well-mannered Lieutenant.
He was still searching his mind for reasons or were they, perhaps,
excuses? for refusing the band when Timmins spoke again.
It said, "I myself, and soon everyone else in the hospital, will know that you
are not a trainee but a specialist with considerable seniority. However, on
the maintenance levels people are always in a hurry and accidents happen
easily. You have seen how some of us drive, and there are many other
situations where you would be at risk. Isn't it simple good sense to let those
with experience know that you have none, so that allowances can be made? After
all, the hospital needs a Chief Dietitian more than it needs another patient." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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