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the last minute and launched himself at the window. Carissa screamed and scrambled
back, the curtain swinging back into place, muting the light.
The glow of Therian energy illuminated the wolf s predicament. He d thrown all his
strength into the daring move, triggering a shift as he sailed through the air. His
shoulder hit the bulletproof pane and his momentum rebounded. He twisted,
miraculously landing on his hands and knees rather than his side.
Quinn pounced, knocking him over onto his back and pinning him to the porch
with his massive paws. The wolf-shifter shrieked, blocking his face with his forearms.
Quinn s consciousness surged through his jaguar s bloodlust. The wolf was young,
hardly more than a boy. Quinn bared his teeth and growled. The wolf-shifter trembled
beneath him, obviously terrified.
 Jenaro! As much as I hate to admit it, Dhane s my brother. Swinging his head to
the side, Quinn looked at Landon. He stood on the ground on the other side of the
porch rail, his pistol still in hand.  I d rather not have his blood on my hands.
After pausing for another warning snarl, Quinn moved off the boy and released his
shift. Energy shot up his spine and spread over his body, facilitating the transformation.
It only took a moment for his body to reshape, but for that moment he was vulnerable.
If Landon hadn t been standing there, he never would have taken the chance.
The hairs on the back of his neck prickled and he glanced toward the window.
Carissa peeked out, holding back the curtain only far enough to provide a discreet
Dhane struggled to his feet, bruised and winded.  What s that window made of?
He rubbed his shoulder as he backed away.
Cyndi Friberg
 Don t make me chase you. Landon s voice snapped with authority and
annoyance. He tucked the pistol into the back of his pants, but his gaze gleamed with
golden light.  I m not in the mood for games.
Dhane squared his shoulders and indignation hardened his features.  No, you re in
the mood to betray your pack. Father told me you d joined the rebels, but I refused to
believe him.
Landon jumped onto the porch, clearing the rail with an effortless burst of strength.
 Father and I have butted heads longer than you ve been alive. Though Landon s tone
was steely, Quinn recognized the familiar catch of regret.  I ve bowed to his dictates out
of respect and tradition. But this is too important.
 You re a traitor, and you re not my brother! Dhane turned and ran for the far side
of the porch. Ignoring the stairs, he jumped off the edge and shifted back into his wolf
 Damn, he s fast. Quinn watched the boy disappear into the night.
Carissa pushed the curtain aside, her eyes wide with uncertainty.  Aren t you going
after him? Her voice was muffled by the window.
 It s safe to come out now. Quinn motioned her toward the door.  And bring my
pants, please.
Landon chuckled, but his gaze kept drifting back toward the trees where his
brother had departed.
The front door opened and Carissa stepped out onto the porch. She tossed Quinn
his pants and he pulled them on before the conversation resumed.
 That must happen to you a lot, she mused, her gaze drifting over his bare chest.
 Modesty is a human hang-up, Landon told her.  Many Therians only bother with
clothes when humans are around.
Her brow arched at the claim, but she only asked,  Why did you let the boy go?
Landon shrugged. The golden light had receded, returning his eyes to their natural
blue.  He can t tell our father anything he doesn t already know.
When Carissa s only reply was a distracted nod, Quinn looked at Landon and said,
 I m going to take Carissa out to the sanctuary. Your father has obviously lost interest
in waiting around for Osric.
 Or Osric found Ava, so my father is free to pursue his own agenda.
Quinn looked at Carissa. Her face had drained of color and she d crossed her arms
over her chest. He didn t think Landon had meant to upset her, but that was obviously
the result. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and drew her against his side.  If
anyone finds Ava, Kyle will call me. He knows how worried you are about your sister.
 Sorry, Landon muttered.  I was just thinking out loud.
She acknowledged the apology with a subtle nod, yet her body remained tense and
distrusting against his side.  If your pack is backing Osric, why are you working for
Therian Prey
Despite her sharp tone and the betrayal inferred by the question, Landon didn t
flinch.  I work for Erin, not Kyle. Kyle might have the title, but his mother wields the
real power. He didn t give Carissa time to respond. Turning back to Quinn, Landon
said,  If you re headed for the sanctuary, I ll release my men.
 Thanks for coming. I know it hasn t made things easier for you.
He shrugged, his gaze shifting back to Carissa.  My decision was made long before
tonight. The Omni Prime must be restored regardless of the cost.
* * * * *
Closing his eyes with a frustrated sigh, Gage eased his face away from the rifle s [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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