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and, lifting her hips, pushed his throbbing penis into her. This time
she did not respond. He did not notice nor care. Claralee was
248 Beverly Sims
unconscious.  Thanks, Whore, I like it better and better after beating
He tied Ruby s ankles again, this time so tight they hurt.  Listen,
Bitch, your little Lucretia is so devastated by your disappearance that
she has already let me kiss her. I will have her in my bed within a
week. I wonder if she will like a few slaps on the ass or bites on her
tits. I will let you know; then I will kill you and give your ugly face to
the gators. He laughed as he climbed into his buggy and bounced off
in the direction of town.
The Major s Wife 249
Chapter 73
Devereaux was sexually drained, but mentally consumed by plots
and plans. Intellectually, he knew he should kill both women in the
bayou shack, but he wanted Ruby alive to hear of his conquest of
Lucretia. The whore he wanted because he could beat her and fuck
her with no reprisals. When he tired of her, she would become gator
food, too. In the meantime, he needed to focus strictly on Lucretia.
He arrived at her hotel to find her in the lobby talking to two
policemen. He put on his most concerned face and walked briskly to
the threesome, slipping his arm protectively around the distraught
young woman. He knew she was distraught because she wore the
same dress she had on the day before& the yellow satin that was so
shiny and beautiful was wrinkled and soiled today. Her face was
haggard and her eyes red from crying. Oh, yes, she needed him. He
would make sure.
 Tell me, officers, have you found any sign of the
lady s& mother? He hesitated using the term, but was glad he did
when Lucretia gave him a wan smile.
 Not a clue, Mr. LaClaire, I am afraid. We are checking the
riverbanks and have boats in the nearby bayous. Oh, sorry, madam, I
know even thinking of such a thing is painful, but it is part of our
missing person s search.
Lucretia felt faint, picturing the creatures in the bayous. The
menacing monsters she had seen from the train. She shivered and did
not object as Devereaux drew her close. He turned her slightly to rest
250 Beverly Sims
her head on his shoulder, making it easy to kiss her head and
 Come, Lucretia. When was the last time you ate? Probably not
since Ruby& Well, let us have some light breakfast here in the dining
 No, thank you, Devereaux. I am a mess. I just want to go to my
room now.
 Of course. I understand. He led her to the elevator and stepped
inside, thinking that this was perfect. Better even than he could have
Once in her room, he rang for a bellman and ordered orange juice,
beignet donuts, soft-cooked eggs, and milk for two, delivered in one
hour.  Now, my dear, while we wait for breakfast, why don t you take
a long soak in that magnificent tub. I will draw your water while you
find something to wear. He steered her into her room, closing the
door behind her as he rushed to the bathroom and started the water.
He added a generous amount of perfumed salts and laid out a huge
white towel, then as an afterthought, a second towel.
He took a third towel and rapped on her bedroom door.  Here,
wrap yourself in this. I promise to turn my back. He opened the door
a crack and stuck his arm into the room, holding it out until she finally
took it. He closed the door softly.  I will wait in the sitting area. Call
me if you need anything. He stood so that the room reflected in the
windows and watched as she moved gracefully from her bedroom to
the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
He closed his eyes, picturing her dropping the towel and stepping
naked into the bubbly water, where she lay back, eyes closed, breasts
floating, one trim leg bent above the water, knee showing. Dear God,
that he could kiss that knee and all the way up to her forbidden
womanhood. That was not something he particularly liked to do, but
for Lucretia, if she wanted, he would do anything.
He had the drug he bought from the illegally and wanted to use it
immediately. But common sense told him to wait until she trusted
The Major s Wife 251
him. She must feel secure with him before he used the liquid that
would guarantee her compliance with whatever he wanted. He would
have to wait for that until they were married. The man warned him
that too much might kill her, so if that happened after they exchanged
vows, then he would be a very wealthy man. With or without the
lovely lady.
He waited by the door until he was sure she was asleep, probably
for the first time since Ruby the bitch had disappeared. He carefully
opened the door and crept to the side of the tub. She was so beautiful
he had to restrain himself from touching her as she lay like an angel in
the cooling water.
He opened one of the towels and spread it wide, holding it so he
could not see her.
 Lucretia, darling, wake up. The water must be cold by now and it
will not do Ruby any good to return to find you down with
He heard her moving in the water.  Devereaux, what are you
doing in here? Get out!
 Darling, you are freezing. Here, I cannot see you, so it is safe to
stand and let me wrap the towel around you.
 I will not move an inch until you leave. Get away from me.
 If that is what you wish, I will do so. He turned and took two
steps before dropping the towel. She stood, stepped out of the cold
water, and reached for the towel. He quickly grabbed the third towel
and wrapped it around her as she stood from retrieving the other one.
 There, now you are covered. Let me dry you.
 Devereaux, that was a rotten trick, unbecoming a gentleman. I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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