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without looking at Daniel.
Daniel did stop and put one hand on Tommy's shoulder and the other under his chin, raising his
"I'm not stopping until you tell me to, but I want this to be a good experience for you, not one
that's filled with confusion and anxiety. The shivering is just your body responding to your
nerves and excitement. At least, I think it's excitement, if this is anything to go by," Daniel said,
sliding one hand down and caressing the hard ridge in the front of Tommy's slacks.
Tommy gasped and pushed his hips forward, wanting more. His shaking didn't stop, but his
anxiety, at least for now, disappeared. He put his own hands on his hips and took both pants and
briefs down, stepping out of them. Raising his face to Daniel's, he put his arms up so Daniel
could pull his shirt over his head. Daniel wasted no time in doing so.
"Come here now, you're going to love this. I've been waiting to feel your skin against mine, top
to bottom. Mmm, God, I was right," Daniel sighed as they came together, two pairs of arms
moving so that they could find a comfortable hold. They were nearly the same height, with
Daniel maybe a little taller, but they fit perfectly, Tommy decided.
He put his face in Daniel's neck, moving it up and down a little, liking the feel of Daniel's hard
collarbone and the softness of his friend's skin. He breathed in and decided he liked that even
better. Pure Daniel. He took in another deep breath, feeling intoxicated. Moving his hips, he felt
his stomach rub Daniel's, and their cocks bumped and that was more than intoxicating, it was
explosive. His hands went on a quest, the goal to touch as much of Daniel as he could without
moving away from the man.
"I see what you mean," he murmured against the skin on the front of Daniel's shoulder as his lips
moved back and forth across it. "I don't think I'll ever forget this. The first time I've ever felt
another man, naked, all up against me, hard, but soft in some places, too. I like your skin. I never
thought I'd say something like that. Do people think about other people's skin? I want to touch
you all over and see where you're hard and where you're& not. Like, I bet right here," Tommy
reached down, with his hand and touched Daniel's stomach, right above the line of pubic hair
that led to his cock.
Daniel grunted and eased back a little, giving Tommy room to explore all he wanted. Taking the
offer in the manner it was presented, Tommy reached back up, took Daniel's shoulders and
turned him so that now he was leaning back on the counter. Tommy stood back and took a
second to admire Daniel. There was much to appreciate, right there in front of him. Daniel stood
still, putting his hands on the counter beside his hips and let Tommy look.
Tommy couldn't just look. He had to touch. Realizing his nerves were gone, he stepped closer
and moved his hand over Daniel, starting with his hair. Daniel's hair was soft, silky, and a nice
light brown color that complimented his dark green eyes. Tommy hands moved through it,
mussing it, watching it fall right back into place. Stepping closer still, he put his face in it and
smelled the shampoo Daniel had used that morning, subtle and citrusy. Moving back a little, he
slid his hands to Daniel's shoulders and mapped the width and strength he found there, the
muscles intriguing him. Did Daniel work out? There were so many things he didn't know about
his lover.
His lover. Daniel Anderson was his lover. That sounded so grown up and normal. Tommy
grinned to himself as he moved on down to Daniel's chest. Daniel had hair on his chest. Not too
much, but soft, silky hair that was heavier in the middle, reached out to sparsely encase his
nipples, and tapered down his stomach to meet the hair surrounding Daniel's cock. Tommy's
hand moved with eager abandon over Daniel's pecs to his beaded nipples and on down to his
stomach. Delighted, Tommy watched Daniel's stomach move in and out as his lover took deep
breaths. He was having a definite effect on Daniel and he liked it.
"You're trying to kill me, aren't you? See what I told you? Now, you've got me shaking," Daniel
said, his knuckles turning white where his hands gripped the edge of the counter. "I'm trying to
be good and let you explore, but I'm dyin' here, Tommy. Do you have any idea how much you
turn me on? How exciting you are?"
"Me? You're the one who's sexy. I like touching you. But, I guess I'm not being fair, huh? Do
you want to get in the shower with me now? I'll save the rest of the exploration for later. Will
you& um& will you stay with me all night? Sleep with me? I don't know if I'm ready for, you
know, everything, but I'd like to sleep with you. Wake up with you. Is that asking too much
when I'm not sure I can go through with all of it?" Tommy had taken a step back to watch
Daniel's face as he asked the questions that were very important to him.
"I don't think you could ask anything that would be too much, Tommy. I told you I'm not in a
hurry. Don't put pressure on yourself. Intercourse is not the only goal we have before us. We'll
get to it, and it'll be good. Know how I know?" Daniel asked, reaching to take Tommy's face in
his hands again.
"How? Cause it's us and whatever we do is good?" Tommy answered, realizing by the look on
Daniel's face that he'd gotten it right.
"Good man. Whatever we do together is right and it's the right time for it. If, this time next year,
we still haven't made it all the way, then that will be right for us. There's no time line. We just do
what feels good, add more, discover more things we like, until we hit upon just the collection of
things that makes us both happy. From your reactions so far tonight, I don't think we're going to
have any problems."
"I've liked everything we've done. I'm comfortable being naked with you, and I never thought
that would be possible." Tommy realized the truth of the statement and felt good about it.
"I understand. I started to say I was proud of you, but that makes it sound like I'm some sort of
counselor or mentor and in this situation, that is so not the case. I will say that I'm relieved that
you feel comfortable being naked with me, because I think I'm going to want you that way a lot."
"Oh, yeah?" Tommy laughed at him.
"Yeah. Come on, let's get wet and clean and then go to bed. We can play a little or just hold each
other and sleep. We've both had a big day in more ways than one, huh?"
"You got that right." Tommy turned and headed to the shower, but Daniel grabbed his arm and
pulled him back into Daniel's arms. Tommy's lips were already opening when Daniel took them.
The kiss was long and slow, languorous and sweet. Tommy touched his tongue to Daniel's and
they moved back and forth from one mouth to the other, turning to find new angles and better
connections. Tommy could tell that Daniel liked his lips because Daniel would often pull back
and slide his tongue along the top and then the bottom one, lapping and nipping them. Tommy
enjoyed every aspect of the kiss, the closeness it made him feel, the rush of adrenaline he got
from it, and the taste and texture of Daniel's mouth. He sighed as he pulled his mouth away and
put his face into Daniel's neck again.
"Don't flake out now. Come on, baby."
"Baby, honey, darling, sexy, sweetums& "
"Uh-uh. Not that. The others I can go with, but I think I'll have to draw the line on that one."
Tommy laughed as they turned to the shower.
"Wow, this is a nice one," Daniel said, stepping in and turning to Tommy.
It was, indeed, a nice shower. There were several shower heads and a bench that ran along one
wall and the back of the shower. Tommy knew it was from Soldier's plans from when he thought
he might move into an apartment over here if he couldn't live in the house with them. But things [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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